By Brother Taiwo Shittu
“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:†- Ephesians 2:4-6
The seat of power is a place of authority. Jesus wants us to sit where He sat, and that place Jesus wants us to be is a place of authority, power, protection, satisfaction, peace, repentance and salvation; that is the way to the father. God has destined you to be at His right hand from creation, so it’s left to you to know that you need to maintain your seat (Ephesians 1:21). My question to you is “do you even have a seat?†If you don't, you need to have one and if you do, make sure you maintain it.
Judas had the opportunity and he was even with Christ, being in the way but still missed the way. Gehazi should have had the double portion of Elisha’s anointing but yet missed it…therefore brethren, you can still be in the way and yet miss it which is why you need to maintain and service that your seat.
Just as God created us in His own image, it means that He also has two hands, right and left; one is for authority and the other for judgement. You need to maintain the right, where you are. You might be passing through a lot of situation, thinking about all that you have been doing for God but the only thing you should do is to maintain you place.
If you are in the right position, there's no need to condemn your enemy because they automatically become Gods enemy. The only thing required of us is to maintain our seat. As the Bible says, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, but if you are not on the seat, how can you do all things? (Exodus 15:6, 12; Isaiah 48:13). When there is authority, one bows for one; when you carry God every other authority will have to bow for you.
How can I have a seat at the right hand of God and maintain it?
- Be born again. There is no short cut to being genuinely born again. Don’t be an eye service Christian.
- Read the manual. You can't maintain your seat with empty idea, you need the word of God. The bible isn’t just a book, it is our road map to sit and maintain our seat. (Joshua 1:8)
- You require a lot of patience. Even the people in church will offend you. If you sit on the fence God will push you away.
- Pay attention to God. The seat is not a common seat, so it is not for common sense people because common sense can't run it. Nobody knows your destination except God, so what you do might look stupid in the presence of others. If you really want to be at the seat, you can only listen to your creator.
- Consistency. It is a seat that requires consistency and continuous servicing.
- Love. You can't be sitting close to God and keep malice or gossip about people.
- A seed of faith. You need faith to maintain your seat.
- Prayer. It's not a seat for ordinary people but it requires prayer to maintain. Remember the kingdom of God suffer the violence and the violent take it by force.
The seat at the right hand of God is a seat that requires service with prayer, the word of God and a good mindset at all times. It's not a seat for people that work for God but for those who are ready to walk with God. You might be working for God and not be on that seat, if all you do is work for God, you might just be doing eye service and pretending; but you need to walk with God to be on that seat, just as Enoch walked with God.
You don't need to get to heaven before you sit on that seat (Psalms 110:1, Acts 2). Hot or cold, have you been fluctuating? You are not hot or cold; a day will come that God will spit you out. Where are you seating? The seat of power is not just a seat, it's not physical, not for people that apply common sense, it’s not to be analyzed, doesn't require grammar, or all your good deeds but it requires your genuine heart to God. (Romans 8:31-36, Isaiah 45:1)
No matter what you are passing through today, what you need to do is to maintain your seat because with God all things are possible.